Dear Reader, We take great pleasure in welcoming you to Is-sue 2, Volume 7 of the Uganda National Institute of Public Health (UNIPH) Quarterly Epidemiological Bulletin. pdf

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Dear Reader, We take great pleasure in welcoming you to Is-sue 2, Volume 7 of the Uganda National Institute of Public Health (UNIPH) Quarterly Epidemiological Bulletin. pdf
Dr. Alex Riolexus Ario | Director, Uganda National Institute of Public Health; Director, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, MoH, Editor in Chief, UNIPH Quarterly Epidemiological Bulletin Lilian Bulage | Scientific Writer, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, MoH and Scientific Editor, UNIPH Quarterly Epidemiological Bulletin Dr. Issa Makumbi | Deputy Director, Uganda National Institute of Public Health; Director, National Public Health Emergency Operations Centre, MoH Paul Edward Okello | Country Coordinator, Data Impact Program, UNIPH, MoH
Dr. Benon Kwesiga | Field Coordinator - Advanced Epi, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, UNIPH, MoH Daniel Kadobera | Program Coordinator- Advanced Epi, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, UNIPH, MoH Alice Asio| PHFP Fellow, National Malaria Control Division, MoH Peter Kawungezi PHFP Fellow, AIDS Control Division, MoH Mackline Ninsiima| PHFP Fellow, Kampala City Council Authority Rebecca Akunzirwe| PHFP Fellow, AIDS Control Program, MoH
Should you have any questions or require additional information related to articles in this bulletin please contact us on:,,,, OR We hope you find this information valuable and we shall appreciate any feedback from you. |
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