Uganda Public Health Bulletin Volume 8 Issue 2

Dear Reader,
We take great pleasure in welcoming you to Issue 2 Volume 8 of the Uganda Public Health Bulletin (UPHB) . We aim to inform the district, national, and global stake-holders on disease outbreak investigations, public health surveillance, and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing, and responding to public health events in Uganda.

Highlights: UPHB Volume 8 Issue 2

Launch of the Public Health Fellowship Program – Laboratory Leadership Track, Hotel African, 25th…

The Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program launched another of her tracks, the Laboratory Leadership Program at hotel African on 25th July 2023 from 9am to 2pm. This competence-based fellowship program provides a unique opportunity to…

World hepatitis day, July 28th

Background International public health days are an opportunity to create awareness and understanding about health issues and mobilize support for action from the local community to the international stage. Every year, on July 28th, the…

World breastfeeding week: August 1st to August 7th 2023

Background International public health days are an opportunity to create awareness and understanding about health issues and mobilize support for action from the local community to the international stage. In this section, we summarize…

World suicide prevention day: September 10th

On September 10th, we will commemorate the world suicide prevention day, bringing attention to the importance of suicide; with the aim of raising awareness, reducing stigma, and promoting action to prevent loss of life. This day serves…

World Rabies Day: September 28th

The global community will observe the World Rabies Day on September 28th; to raise awareness about the devastating impact of rabies, a preventable zoonotic commonly transmitted to humans through bites from infected dogs. With millions of…

WEBINAR | Innovative approaches to public health emergency response and policy decisions-Expired!

Date & Time: Sep 6, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Webinar ID: 987 1340 5225 Participant ID: 162757  Register Now Description: IANPHI's Africa Regional Network is pleased to invite you to a webinar on…

Editorial Team

Dr. Alex Riolexus Ario |
Director, Uganda National Institute of Public 
Health, Director, Uganda Public Health 
Fellowship Program, MoH,
Editor in Chief, Uganda Public Health 

Lilian Bulage |
Scientific Writer, Uganda Public Health 
Fellowship Program, MoH and Scientific 
Editor, Uganda Public Health

Dr. Issa Makumbi |
Deputy Director, Uganda National Institute 
of Public Health, Director, National Public 
Health Emergency Operations Centre, MoH

Paul Edward Okello |
Country Director, Data Impact Program, 
Uganda National Institute of Public Health, 

Dr. Benon Kwesiga |
Field Coordinator - Advanced Field Epi, 
Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, 
Program Coordinator - Advanced Field Epi, 
Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, 

Patrick King
UPHFP - Advanced Epi Fellow, Integrated 
Epidemiology, Surveillance and Public 
Health Emergencies Department, MoH

Brenda Nakafeero Simbwa
UPHFP - Advanced Epi Fellow, Uganda 
National Expanded Program on Immunisation, 

Benigna Namara
UPHFP - Advanced Epi Fellow, Neglected 
Tropical Diseases Department, MoH

Priscilla Belbir Atim
UPHFP - Laboratory Leadership Fellow, 
Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, 

Dominic Kizza
UPHFP - Advanced Epi Fellow, Uganda National 
Expanded Program on Immunisation, 

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