Uganda FETP-Intermediate graduates Cohort 3 at Hotel Brovad, Masaka on 6th October 2023

Author: Doreen Gonahasa


On 6 October 2023, the Uganda FETP-Intermediate graduated Cohort 3 with 12 participants from the following institutions: Kabale Regional Referral Hospital (2) Fort portal RRH & Regional Emergency Operation Centre (3), Kasese District (1), Entebbe RRH (1), Naguru RRH (1), Kampala Metropolitan PHEOC (2), Mulago NRH (1), and MoH Headquarters (1).

Evidenced by their remarks and presentations at the graduation event, the trainees have made improvement in their data analysis and presentation skills, gained competences in outbreak investigations and response and leadership among other things.

We hope that the team can reflect on what they have learned through their work and improve the nation’s public health response. The team of 12 puts the number of FETP-Intermediate graduates at 44 since its roll out in 2021.

Field Epidemiology Training Program – Intermediate (FETP-I) is a regional level tier of the CDC-founded FETP pyramid model. FETP-Intermediate is a supervised, on-the-job, competency-based training and service (workforce development) program to improve field epidemiologic capacity at the regional level.

It aims to build competencies in surveillance, data analysis and interpretation, outbreak investigation, communication, and mentorship. The 9-month training involves residential trainings interspersed with on-job field projects during which participants return to workstations and conduct job relevant projects to concretize what they have learned.

The classroom trainings are 1-2 weeks long and field intervals run for 6-7 weeks. During the field intervals, participants undertake projects with guidance from mentors. At the
end of the training participants are awarded a certificate


Trainers pose for a photo with FETP Intermediate Cohort 3 graduates

FETP Intermediate Cohort 3 graduates pose for a Photo on 6th October 2023


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