Training of Trainers for Scientific Communication Writing, Jinja Nile Resort, 11th – 15th Sept 2023

Author and Institution affiliation: Paul E. Okello, Data for Impact Program-Uganda National Institute of Public Health, Tel: +256703393622, Email:


The Uganda National Institute of Public Health (UNIPH) held a scientific communication Training of Trainers workshop in which nine Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program (PHFP) / Field Epidemiology Track Alumni were trained by CDC Foundation’s Pascale Krumm during 11-15 Sept 2023 in Jinja. The event was organized by UNIPH (PHFP and Data Impact Program) with funding from the CDC Foundation.

The aim of the workshop was to produce a pool of competent trainers in scientific communication to support the UNIPH including PHFP in efficient production of scientific products such as manuscripts, conference abstracts, and bulletins among others. Training approaches included lectures, case studies, and teach back sessions with question and answer sessions.

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