16th Joint Annual Scientific Health (JASH) Conference held at Munyonyo Hotel on 21st—23rd September 2022

Author: Gorreti Marie Zalwango, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program—Adv Field Epidemiol-ogy Fellow, Cohort 2022, Email: mzalwan-go@uniph.go.ug, Tel: +256-752-610-802


Annually, Makerere University College of Health Sciences organizes a Joint Annual Scientific Health (JASH) Conference. This year, the 16th JASH conference was organized under the theme: Makerere @100: The role of health professions’ education in strengthening health systems, research, global, and community health for economic development. Several sub-themes were focused on with each highlighting the important areas that are linked to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that we need to critically under-stand as we work towards achieving national and global health care for all.

The Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program participated in this knowledge sharing event where a number oral and poster presentations were made. Among the oral presentations were:

  1. Sexual and gender-based violence among adolescent girls and young women during the main COVID-19 period in Bukedi subregion, Eastern Uganda by Patience Mwine
  2. Assessment of preparedness of border districts to respond to plague-West Nile Region, Uganda- August, 2021 by Immaculate Atuhaire
  3. Comparative epidemiologic analysis of COVID-19 patients in the first and second waves – Uganda, 2020-2021 by Sarah Elayeete
  4. Trends and spatial distribution of neona-tal sepsis in Uganda, 2016-2020 by Stella Migamba; Human and livestock rift valley fever outbreak, Kiruhura District, Uganda, May – June 2021 by Hil-da Nansikombi
  5. Patterns of tuberculosis case notification and treatment outcomes in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of the national surveillance data for January 2019-June 2021 by Veronicah Masanja
  6. Measles outbreak in Semuto Subcounty, Nakaseke District, Uganda, June–August 2021 by Edirisa Nsubuga and
  7. Alice Asio made a poster presentation titled: Black water fever among children in districts of Bugisu, Bukedi, and Busoga Regions in Eastern Uganda, January 2019 – July 2021.

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