Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program Fellow wins award at 7th AFENET Conference, Maputo, Mozambique, 11th – 16th November 2018

Author: Vivian Ntono, Fellow Cohort 2018


The 7th AFENET Conference was held in in Maputo, Mozambique from 11th to 16th November 2018. The 2018 conference was organized by the National Institute of Health (INS) under the Mozambique Minis-try of Health, in collaboration with the Mozambique FELTP. The theme of the Conference was “Building resilient and sustainable public health systems in Africa through Field Epidemiology Training”
The AFENET conference provides a platform for residents and graduates of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP) and other public health professionals to share field experiences and advance best practices in public health. Every two years, trainees and graduates of Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programs (FELTPs) are presented with a strategic platform to show their contribution to the public health community and to network with other stakeholders as they develop a common agenda to address critical public health challenges in Africa and beyond.
The Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program (PHFP) presented 11 oral presentations and 12 I-poster presentations at the 7th AFENET Conference. 2017 PHFP Fellow Ms. Claire Biribawa won the 2nd runner-up award for best oral presentation. Congratulations to PHFP for all their achievements!


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