Regional Population Connectivity Across Borders (PopCAB) Training of Trainers Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda, 19th-23rd September 2022

Author: Gorreti Marie Zalwango, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program-Field Epidemiology Fellow Cohort 2022, Email:, Tel: +256-752-610-802


This year the Ministry of Health Uganda (MoH) organised a regional training of trainers (TOT) for population connectivity across boarders (PopCAB).

Understanding population movement patterns across borders is important to inform preparedness and response activities for public health emergency and prevention of disease spread across borders.

The MoH Uganda organized the event based on their vast experience gained from conducting a number of POPCABs which informed their recommendation for a regional scale up of POPCAB methodology to the health ministries of Kenya and Rwanda.

The training engaged 14 participants from Uganda, 14 participants from Kenya, and 4 participants from Rwanda from institutions like: Uganda National Institute of public health, field epidemiology training program (FETP) fellows/residents and staff, and MoH staff for the 3 countries.

This training was facilitated by trainers from US-CDC and Baylor Uganda.

This activity marked the beginning of a series of trainings aimed to inform and improve outbreak preparedness, prevention and response activities in the region.

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