11th TEPHINET Global Conference – Panama, 4th- 9th September 2022

Author: Gorreti Marie Zalwango, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program-Field Epidemiology Fellow Cohort 2022, Email: mzalwango@musph.ac.ug, Tel: +256-752-610-802


Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) organized the 11th global conference this year to provide participants with cutting-edge information on global disease detection, prevention, and response activities undertaken by the network of 76 field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) across more than 100 countries. The event was hosted in Panama City, Panama; South America on 4th – 9th September 2022. Uganda was represented by PHFP fellows who presented the following abstracts: Assessment of preparedness of border districts to respond to plague-West Nile Region, Uganda- August, 2021 by Immaculate Atuhaire; The effect of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on the incidence of malaria among children under 5years in Uganda; Interrupted time series analysis by Andrew Kwiringira; and Establishing Sentinel surveillance for black water fever in Uganda and Burden and factors associated with black water fever among children, Eastern Uganda, January 2019-July 2021 by Alice Asio

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