Lilian Bulage

Lilian Bulage, Bachelor of Science Technology-Biology, master’s in health services research, Advanced FETP. Prior to joining the Uganda National Institute of Public Health (UNIPH),

Lilian served as an External Quality Assessment Coordinator for the South-east Tuberculosis (TB) Zone at the Uganda National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory and Secretary for the National TB and Leprosy Program Research and Innovations Forum.

Lilian is a field epidemiologist primarily working as a scientific Writer for the Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program (PHFP) and editor for the UNIPH Quarterly Epidemiological Bulletin. Additionally, Lilian routinely participates in the review of articles for the Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health.

Lilian has over 50 publications including 6 as lead author, many as second author and other author positions. She has facilitated various scientific communication workshops including manuscript and abstract writing workshops across Africa coupled with mentoring FETP residents/Fellows and other technical staff within ministries of health and related agencies.

Additionally, Lilian also serves as a mentor/trainer for the frontline FETP and supervises advanced FETP Fellows for the PHFP during field activities including public health emergencies.