Dr. Benon Kwesiga

Dr. Benon Kwesiga, MBChB, MPH, Advanced FETP, is a Medical Doctor and Epidemiologist with 8 years’ experience in epidemiology and Public health.

Benon has held several positions in the Uganda Ministry of health where he has gained experience in national and international level public health and epidemiology.

Since 2015, as a Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) Resident and member of the Uganda National Rapid Response Team, Benon has been involved in more than 50 disease outbreak investigations and responses.

From 2017 to 2023, Benon worked as a field supervisor within the Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, an Advanced FETP. During this period, Benon trained over 50 FETP residents in field epidemiology and public health. Benon is an author to 27 peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals especially disease outbreak investigations.

As of the year 2024 to present, Benon is working as Field Coordinator within the Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, an Advanced FETP.