UNIPH Quarterly Epidemiological Bulletin (UQEB) Volume 4 Issue 3 July-Sept 2019
Dear Reader, We are pleased to share with you Issue 3, Volume 4 of the UQEB. In this issue, we present investigation reports on: Malaria in Oyam, Butambala and Mbale; Yellow fever in Masaka; Animal bite patterns and post exposure prophylaxis at Arua Regional Referral Hospital, and Pediatric Tuberculosis at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. For further information on anything in this publications please contact us on: ikyamwine@musph.ac.ug, mnabatanzi@musph.ac.ug, rukundobg@musph.ac.ug or lbulage@musph.ac.ug. We hope this will be an informative and an interesting read . We will appreciate any feedback about the content in this issue. Thank You
Editorial Team
Dr. Alex Riolexus Ario | Coordinator, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, MoHMs. Lilian Bulage |Scientific Writer, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, MoHMs. Maureen Nabatanzi| PHFP Fellow, Integrated Epidemiology , Surveillance and Public Health Emergencies, MOH
Dr. Irene Byakatunda Kyamwine | PHFP Fellow, Nutrition Division, MoH Dr. Gerald Rukundo | PHFP Fellow, National Malaria Control Division, MoH Dr. Benon Kwesiga| Supervisor, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, MoH Mr. Daniel Kadobera | Supervisor, Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program, MoH